Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Film - Essay Example Adopting a light-hearted tone, Marker takes the unique approach of editing various video clips together, without adhering to time frame, and putting them together to describe the memories of the fictional Sandor Krasna, whose letters are read by a female narrator whose identity we never find out. Resnais’ Nuit et Brouillard, on the other hand, is based on the very real and macabre events of Holocaust. With most of the focus on the notorious Auschwitz concentration camp, the documentary which was filmed ten years after the Holocaust ended (1955), lays bare the atrocities committed therein. The male narrator simply relates the series of events that start from the rounding up of the people who were being sent to the concentration camps. The tone of the movie is, of course, very somber and serious throughout. In his movie, Chris Marker tries to explore how human memory works and how time and place have an effect on everything that later becomes history. It is an attempt on his part to take an interest in the banalities of life and, through them, try to explain human nature. The tone of the movie remains quite philosophical; though a lot of people are put off by it and they claim that Marker has ruined what could have otherwise been a great travelogue by using this tone, I disagree. The script of the movie, which are the letters read by the narrator, is crisp, innovative and it helps in driving the point home: the subjectivity of human memory and how we perceive time. It is a very unique approach and I agree that it is not palatable to everyone; however, it is unfair on the part of the critics to call it a work of pseudo-intellectualism. In Nuit et Brouillard, the script is very objective and it portrays the suffering of the prisoners of concentration camps in Nazi Germany. There are no personal observations made by the narrator; he recounts the events as and when

Monday, October 28, 2019

Cybercrime in Indonesia Essay Example for Free

Cybercrime in Indonesia Essay Even if Indonesia has not ratified or signed the Convention on Cybercrime yet, officially Indonesia has implemented almost all cyber crime provisions set forth in the Convention. These provisions are set out in several articles in Law No. 11 Year 2008 on Information and Electronic Transaction. The seven provisions, among others; offense related to child pornography, illegal access, illegal interception, data interference, system interference, misuse of devices, and computer related forgery. The provisions of computer-related fraud and attempt and aiding or abetting are no longer regulated under this Act due consideration has been accommodated by the existing provisions in the Penal Code. Likewise, some offenses related to infringements of copyright and related rights are deemed to have been sufficiently set forth in the Law on Intellectual Property Rights. In addition to the above provisions, the Law No.11/2008 is the merely cybercrime statute in Indonesia, which also includes provisions on e-commerce and e-signature referring to the UNCITRAL Model Law and the EU Directives on such subjects. This is by virtue of the awareness of regulator about inevitable legal convergence of telecommunications, media, and informatics. By means of the principle of neutrality and efficiency, this product of law will be able to encompass the three specialties. Moreover, hacking, according to BATAN is defined as ‘infiltrating or breaching activities into an electronic system without rights, which usually aim to misuse or damage the system.’ Identical definition of hacking is also proposed by David S. Wall which is ‘deliberate unauthorized access to spaces over which rights of ownership or access have already been established.’ Therefore, hacking can be incorporated into illegal access provisions. In the Article 30, there are three paragraphs that organize illegal access, inter alia; 1. ‘Setiap Orang dengan sengaja dan tanpa hak atau melawan hukum mengakses Komputer dan/atau Sistem Elektronik milik Orang lain dengan cara apa pun.’ It means ‘any person intentionally and without right or unlawful access to computers and/or electronic system belongs to any other person in any way.’ 2. Setiap Orang dengan sengaja dan tanpa hak atau melawan hukum mengakses Komputer dan/atau Sistem Elektronik dengan cara apa pun dengan tujuan untuk memperoleh Informasi Elektronik dan/atau Dokumen Elektronik. It means ‘any person intentionally and without right or unlawful access to computers and/or electronic system in any way aim at obtaining electronic information and/or document.’ 3. Setiap Orang dengan sengaja dan tanpa hak atau melawan hukum mengakses Komputer dan/atau Sistem Elektronik dengan cara apa pun dengan melanggar, menerobos, melampaui, atau menjebol sistem pengamanan.’ It means ‘any person intentionally and without right or unlawful access to computers and/or electronic system in any way by infiltrating, trespassing, surpassing, and breaking through a security system.’ The first offenses are to be punished with imprisonment up to 6 years either with or without an administrative fine of up to IDR 600 million. Meanwhile the second offenses are to be sentenced by imprisonment up to 7 years either with or without an administrative fine of utmost IDR 700 million. The latter is to be sanctioned by imprisonment up to 8 years either with or without an administrative fine of up to IDR 800 million. During the past four years since enactment, a myriad of hacking incidents have taken place in Indonesia . However, only two cases were successfully expressed and processed in court. The first case is a case of hacking (defacing) the Election Committee website in 2004 by Dani Firman. While the second case is a similar case against the website of one Indonesias largest party, Golkar, by Iqra Syafaat. In fact, according to data from the Association of Indonesian Internet Service Provider (APJII), in 2003, it has recorded 2267 cases of network incidents and in 2004 there were 1103 such cases. It can be concluded that the cases which fails to trial far less. Furthermore, another concern is phishing, defined as ‘the pursuit of personal financial information that is subsequently used to defraud the victim and relies upon the recipient’s inability to distinguish a bogus email from a real one.’ Hence, it should be categorized into ‘computer related forgery’ provision. Article 35 states ‘Setiap Orang dengan sengaja dan tanpa hak atau melawan hukum melakukan manipulasi, penciptaan, perubahan, penghilangan, pengrusakan Informasi Elektronik dan/atau Dokumen Elektronik dengan tujuan agar Informasi Elektronik dan/atau Dokumen Elektronik tersebut dianggap seolah-olah data yang otentik.’ It implies ‘any person intentionally and without right or unlawful manipulate, create, delete, alter, or suppress any electronic document and/or information with the intent that it be considered as if it were authentic.’ Accordingly, this breach is to be sentenced up to 12 years in prison and a maximum fine of IDR twelve million. Unfortunately, there is no case hitherto which is brought to court proceeding. Finally, rare incidents of cybercrime exposed and processed in court trial as the aforementioned are caused by several factors, inter-alia; the lack of awareness among users, the absence of single identity number, the reluctance of victims to report, the limitedness of infrastructure or equipment and devices in the field of IT, and also the lack of law enforcement officers who have expertise in the field of IT. [ 1 ]. Indonesia Law Number 11/2008 about Information and Electronic Transaction, entry into force on April 21,2008 [ 2 ]. See (n 1) art 27 and art 9 in Convention on Cybercrime, Council of Europe, entry into force on July 1, 2004 [ 3 ]. See (n 1) art 30 and art 2 in Convention on Cybercrime, Council of Europe, entry into force on July 1, 2004 [ 4 ]. See (n 1) art 31 and art 3 in Convention on Cybercrime, Council of Europe, entry into force on July 1, 2004 [ 5 ]. See (n 1) art 32 and art 4 in Convention on Cybercrime, Council of Europe, entry into force on July 1, 2004 [ 6 ]. See (n 1) art 33 and art 5 in Convention on Cybercrime, Council of Europe, entry into force on July 1, 2004 [ 7 ]. See (n 1) art 34 and art 6 in Convention on Cybercrime, Council of Europe, entry into force on July 1, 2004 [ 8 ]. See (n 1) art 35 and art 7 in Convention on Cybercrime, Council of Europe, entry into force on July 1, 2004 [ 9 ]. art 8 in Convention on Cybercrime, Council of Europe, entry into force on July 1, 2004 [ 10 ]. (n 9) art 11 [ 11 ]. (n 9) art 10 [ 12 ]. Indonesia has several Laws on IPR such as Law No.12/1997 about Copyright, Law No.29/2000 about Vegetal Variety Protection, Law No.30/2000 about Trade Secrecy, Law No.31/2000 about Industrial Design, Law No.32/2000 about Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits, Law No.14/2001 about Patent, and Law No.15/2001 about Trademark [ 13 ]. See UNCITRAL Mode Law on E-commerce on and UNCITRAL Mode Law on E-signature accessed September 28, 2012 [ 14 ]. (n 1) Explanation [ 15 ]. BATAN is an Indonesian government institution which constitutes one of consulting agents of ICT, accessed September 29, 2012 [ 16 ]. Wall, David S, ‘Cybercrime: The Transformation of Crime in the Information Age’, (Polity Press 2008) 53 [ 17 ]. (n 1)

Friday, October 25, 2019

Aaron Burr Essay -- essays research papers

AARON BURR Although Aaron Burr, b. Newark, N.J., Feb. 6, 1756, fought in the American Revolution and became an important political figure, serving a term (1801-05) as vice-president of the United States, he is best remembered today for having killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel. The son of a president of the College of New Jersey (now Princeton University) and the grandson of another (Jonathan Edwards), Burr could trace his ancestry back to the earliest Puritans. He entered Princeton at the age of 13, graduated at 16, and went on to become a Revolutionary War hero, rising to the rank of lieutenant colonel at the age of 21. In July 1782 he married Theodosia Bartow Prevost, the widow of a former British officer. They moved to New York City, where Burr built a reputation as an excellent attorney and made important political connections. He was "the most rising young man in the state," a contemporary noted. Political Career In 1789 Burr was appointed attorney general of New York by Gov. G eorge Clinton. Two years later the state assembly, which was controlled by partisans of Clinton and Robert Livingston, elected Burr to the U.S. Senate. His career in the Senate was not particularly memorable. Hamilton hated him, Clinton soon learned to distrust him, and George Washington refused his request to be appointed minister to France. But in and out of Congress, Burr managed to maneuver so skillfully, and with so much personal charm, that he won the support of many Federalists as well as Democratic Republicans. In 1796 and 1800, Burr ran for vice-president with Thomas Jefferson on the Democratic-Republican ticket. Whatever doubts Virginia Republicans had about Burr--they had not voted for him in 1796--were put to rest when he carried New York City for his party in 1800. It was assumed that the outcome of the national election would follow that in New York, but under the confused electoral system then in use Jefferson and Burr received an equal number of electoral votes for t he presidency (73 each), throwing the election into the House of Representatives. There the Federalists refused to heed the advice of Hamilton and unsuccessfully tried, against the obvious wishes of the public, to elect Burr. Jefferson won the contest and Burr became vice-president. Jefferson doubted his loyalty and soon began to withhold patronage from Burr a... ...a busy and lucrative law practice. He continued to have a strong influence in the public councils, however. He supported a defiant posture toward France during the XYZ AFFAIR (1798), and as inspector general of the army (1798-1800) he took charge of organizing the nation's defenses. Bitterly disappointed in President John ADAMS's erratic leadership, Hamilton openly opposed Adams's reelection in 1800. When it appeared, however, that Aaron Burr might win the presidency over Jefferson, Hamilton unhesitatingly threw his support to Jefferson, whose policies he scorned, rather than to Burr, whom he regarded as a man without principles. This and other opposition by Hamilton so frustrated and angered Burr that he challenged Hamilton to a duel. The two men fought at Weehawken, N.J., on July 11, 1804. Hamilton apparently fired into the air, but Burr took direct aim. Hamilton fell mortally wounded and died the next day in New York. He was buried in Trinity churchyard, New York City. He left his wife and seven children heavily in debt, but friends soon paid off the debts. Hamilton was mourned by his countrymen as one who had devoted his life to the nation's growth in freedom and prosperity.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Homeschooling vs. Public Schooling Essay

Homeschool and public school, which one is better for my child? What about the cost? Which educational setting will my child benefit the most from? These are questions that parents need to ask before making a decision such as this one. Also, parents need to know that both homeschool and public schools appeal to people of all race, religion, and political viewpoints (Romanowski, 2001). Whether a parent chooses to homeschool their child or send them to public school, is a decision that needs to be researched on the performance, cost, and their child’s life after school. First, when choosing which educational setting is best for their child, parents need to research students’ performance for both types of schooling. Studies have shown that children who are homeschooled score better on test than those who are in public school (Some Fascinating Facts, n.d.). Possible reasons being that the homeschooled child has more one-on-one time with the teacher, and they are able to spend as much time as they need to on the subjects that they are struggling with, if any. The time that is allowed for each part of the curriculum may be too fast or too slow for the child who is attending public school (Homeschooling vs. Public, n.d.). Children who go to public schools are able to participate in group discussions and debates (Homeschooling vs. Public, n.d.). Students are able to develop their social skills, and learn to interact with children their own age. Next, the cost can also affect whether the parent decides to homeschool or  send their child to public school. Depending on the choices that a parent makes and the supplies that are needed, homeschooling one child can cost from $300-$2500 per year (Mohr, 2012). According to the National Retail Federation in 2012, the average cost for a parent to send their child to public school was around $634 per year (Klein, 2013). Lastly, depending on which educational setting the parent chooses can affect the student’s life after school. Children who were homeschooled had a GPA of 3.41 their freshman year of college, compared to other students who had a 3.12 (Some Fascinating Facts, n.d.). Students in public schools may even discover that the lessons they learned outside the classroom, in extracurricular activities such as basketball or chess club, help them cope with future challenges in the workplace (I Have A, n.d.). Therefore, choosing to homeschool or send a child to public school is not a very easy decision for parents to make; much thought and research needs to be done on students’ performance, the cost of each, and what is in store for the student after graduating. Homeschoolers score better on tests than those in the public setting. Though, children who are homeschooled are not able to participate in group discussions or even class debates. Homeschooling, for one child, can cost anywhere from $300 to $2500 per year; parents who decide to send their child to public school pay on average $634 a year. Homeschooled children had a better GPA their freshman year of college than the students who graduated from public school. The students who attend a public school and also are involved in some type of extracurricular activity, are able to cope better with the challenges in the workplace. Whatever educational setting the parent decides is best for their child, they need to know that there ar e both benefits and disadvantages with each decision. References â€Å"Homeschooling vs. Public Schooling.† (n.d.). _Homeschooling Ideas._ Retreived on May 24, 2014 from I Have A Plan Iowa â„ ¢. (n.d.). _- Article_. Retrieved June 6, 2014, from Klein, R. (August 20, 2013). â€Å"Back-To-School Shopping Costs: How Much Parents Should Expect To Spend This Year.† _Huffington Post._ Retrieved on May 24, 2014 from Mohr, A. (August 27, 2012), â€Å"How To Start Homeschooling Your Kids.† _Investopedia._ Retrieved on May 24, 2014 from Romanowski, M. H. (2001). Undoing the ‘Us vs. Them’ of Public and Home Schooling. _Education Digest_, _66_(9), 41. â€Å"Some Fascinating Facts About Homeschool vs Public School.† (n.d). _Homeschool World_. Retrieved on 24 May 2014 from

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Difference in Perceptions of Consumers in Different Regions

Institute of business management| DIFFERENCES IN PERCEPTION OF CUSTOMERS BELONGING TO DIFFERENT LOCALITIES REGARDING CONSUMPTION OF NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS, SPECIFIALLY PEDIASURE. | Methods in Business Research| | Muhammad Bilal Arif SaharAnum IqbalAhetezaz HaloFaiz Mehmood| 12/10/2012| | Contents Acknowledgment3 Abstract4 Introduction5 Statement of Problem6 Significance of Problem/ Purpose6 Statement of Hypothesis6 Limitations6 Literature Review7In order to write this literature review we had to take out journals and articles from a lot of areas the reason being that there are almost no similar researches done considering this topic. Even if researches are done they tend to cater to the perceptions of westerners or people which are not belonging to the Pakistani society. In order to conduct and use whatever information we could get there were 3 pieces of materials used to conduct this review. The researches that we have found are concerning similar products that is why we have used these.Each of these researches has been combined with our research and then we have written down the Literature review. If we go along well see what is the motive of our research and what do we want. 7 Design of study10 I. Problem Definition and Hypothesis Formulation10 II. Gathering Data11 III. Sources of Data16 IV. Research Instrument17 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS18 RESTATEMENT OF PROBLEM18 DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURES18 MAJOR FINDINGS19 RECOMMENDATIONS19 BIBLIOGRAPHY21 APPENDIX22 Abbott Nutrition22 Questionnaire22Product Comparison1 Acknowledgment We would first like to thank the Almighty Allah for giving us the strength and endowing us with the privilege of completing term report on the â€Å"DIFFERENCES IN PERCEPTION OF CUSTOMERS BELONGING TO DIFFERENT LOCALITIES REGARDING CONSUMPTION OF NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS, SPECIFIALLY PEDIASURE. † We are also extremely thankful to our mentor and guide Ms. Kausar Saeed for her constant support, encouragement and guidance, without which we could not have successfully completed the task.Secondly, we would like to thank our respondents for their precious time and energy spent in completing our Questionnaires. Abstract Abbott being a very large pharmaceutical company is not only trustworthy but excels in the pharmaceutical industry. Its aim is to provide quality and high class products in the market so that people can benefit from it. The report that we are planning to write is about the perceptions of customers regarding consumption of Nutritional Supplements and factors that the customer considers while buying different medicines/nutritional products in different localities.Our main aim was to figure out the basic reasons in sluggish growth in sales of Abbott. The issue is actually significant at the moment because the Sales data of different territories over the past few years indicate a negative trend in a few areas but approximately constant in others. One reason for this difference could have been different percept ions that people are likely to hold in these different areas, therefore we decided to find out whether perceptional differences are the reason behind the negative trend and what are the possible solutions to the problem.We did manage to collect sufficient data through questionnaires from the mothers of children who were the eligible consumers of the product, and then we analyzed the data using SPSS. We were able to reach a seemingly valid analysis. Introduction Abbott a global, broad-based health care company devoted to discovering new medicines, new technologies and new ways to manage health. Their products span the continuum of care, from nutritional products and laboratory diagnostics through medical devices and pharmaceutical therapies.Their comprehensive line of products encircles life itself – addressing important health needs from infancy to the golden years. With over 70,000 employees worldwide and a global presence in more than 130 countries, Abbott is committed to i mproving people's lives by providing cost effective health care products and services that consistently meet the needs of customers. Abbott Pakistan is part of the global healthcare corporation of Abbott Laboratories, Chicago, USA. Abbott started operations in Pakistan as a marketing affiliate in 1948; the company has steadily expanded to comprise a work force of over 1500 employees.Currently two manufacturing facilities located at Landhi and Korangi in Karachi continue to use innovative technology to produce top quality pharmaceutical products. Abbott Pakistan has leadership in the field of Pain Management, Anesthesia, Medical Nutrition and Anti-Infective. On June 29, 2005 Abbott Pakistan Achieved Class ‘A' accreditation against the Oliver Wight ABCD Check list. This was an outstanding achievement, which puts Abbott Pakistan amongst some of the best global companies in terms of operational excellence.A continuous process of innovation, research and development at Abbott's wor ldwide facilities enables Abbott Pakistan to offer effective solutions for various healthcare challenges, with products and services that are well focused, within the customer's reach and contribute to improved health care of the people of Pakistan. Abbott believes that Corporate Social Responsibility is fundamental to earning and deepening the trust of the people it serves, an integral part of its commitment to improve lives has contributed to a number of humanitarian causes and supported various institutions in various fields including health and education.The promise of this company is in the promise that their work holds for health and for life. PediaSure Complete is a complete and balanced nutrition for children who are pricky eaters and who have to catch up for growth. Some of its salient feature includes: * Good nutrition leads to healthy growth * To grow properly, kids need to eat the right amounts of protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins and minerals. * For times, when you believe that your child is not getting adequate nutrition from regular food then PediaSure is the thing to give.No matter which ever flavor you choose, each can of PediaSure contains 25 essential vitamins and mineral, along with adequate amounts of protein, carbohydrates and fats. With PediaSure you can be sure that your child is receiving the perfect amount of nutrition’s needed to grow. It is available in 400gram tins and 180 gram packs in chocolate and vanilla flavors at reasonable prices. It is available in most leading pharmacies and superstores of Pakistan. PediaSure is even an international product of Abbott. Statement of ProblemThis research is conducted to find out that whether the decline in sales of PediaSure is because of some different perceptions held by the potential consumers, factors which are most and which are least preferred by the consumers while making the purchase. This will cater to two areas specifically Defence and F. B area. Significance of Problem/ Purpose The problem is highly significantfor not only the company but forindividuals/ customers too. With the help of this study we will be able to find out the different type of ideas and perceptions customers carry when going to buy medicines/nutritional products.We will also find out some of the rare spending patterns of customers based in different areas or localities and what factors do they consider in buying such products. The main purpose of this study lies with the fact that Abbott will realize which particular point they need to cater to stop the sales from falling. It could be a marketing problem which they missed to address or a quality problem, which is very unlikely since Abbott is very strict about its standards and most importantly it could be the perceptions of the people.Summing it all up, through our research we will investigate the spending patterns of different localities, their preferences and why the sales of PediaSurehas declined in some areas since the past few years. Statement of Hypothesis 1. There is no difference between Perceptions of customers of Defence and Federal-B area. 2. Knowing the available competitor’s, consumer will prefer Pediasure over competitors as a Nutritional Supplement. 3. Consumers will purchase the product if they are told about the benefits. 4. Creating Awareness will impact the sales of Pediasure. . Whether high nutrients are preferred over other variables like Price and Recommendations. 6. Whether being a Medicinal product is good for the image of Pediasure. Limitations 1. One of the biggest limitations is that our study is restricted to only two areas namely defence and F. B area. It is due to time constraints and a large number of medical stores throughout the city. 2. Defence itself has about approximately 50 medicines stores while F. B area 92. Finding and going to all these stores would be very costly and time-consuming so we decided to take a small no.Of stores and interviewing around 2 respon dents from every store. 3. The time and cost associated with the study was a not very encouraging. 4. We cannot expect that each of the stores in the city have kept PediaSure which made our study very difficult to generalize. 5. It was hard to find mothers having children below the age of 12 shopping during the days. 6. Customers and Storekeepers were being very receptive. Literature Review In order to write this literature review we had to take out journals and articles from a lot of areas the reason being that there are almost no similar researches done considering this topic.Even if researches are done they tend to cater to the perceptions of westerners or people which are not belonging to the Pakistani society. In order to conduct and use whatever information we could get there were 3 pieces of materials used to conduct this review. The researches that we have found are concerning similar products that is why we have used these. Each of these researches has been combined with ou r research and then we have written down the Literature review. If we go along well see what is the motive of our research and what do we want.The first article included in this literature survey talks about the guide to consumer’s pharmaceutical purchasing behavior. The pharmaceutical purchasing behavior of consumers is the subject of unending market research for the nation's pharmaceutical companies and managed care organizations. Despite the industry's best efforts to predict future trends based on past experiences, consumers continue to confound the prognosticators. Several issues particularly pertinent to MCOs were explored in a recent consumer survey conducted by Emron, Inc.In this article, explore consumers' behaviors are explored relative to medication purchases in these areas: * Sources of advice about prescription and non-prescription medications * Communications with prescribers about cost and impact on quality of life * Opinions about price equity of medications * Importance of the pharmacy benefit in health plans * Role of advertising in purchasing decisions for non-prescription medications The study first starts with talking about the advice the customer takes in order to buy any type of pharmaceutical products.The results are divided in among the physicians, nurses, pharmacists, family e. t. c. the highest rank is of course given to physicians followed by pharmacists. So we get to know that one thing that is the sources of advice for customer’s affects customer’s perceptions of buying a medicine. So it may be possible that a doctor living in each of these localities may give different type of preference if one may prescribe pediasure other may prescribe ensure. The second factor that affects is prescriber’s communication about cost and quality of life.From the study we see that people are mainly concerned for their life rather than the cost of medicine, we all know that pediasure is a very high quality product and in order to keep your nutrition value very high you will make sure that you use pedia sure, but never the les this is one of the important factors taken in to consideration when investing in to medicines. Whatever the cost of the product is you tend to spend on it if it’ll increase the quality of your life. Consumers also look for fair consumer prices.When they figure out if one of the products is not giving a fair consumer price then they will surely not buy it even in case of medicines as now even in this market you’re faced with immense competition. If the price of Pediasure is not fair according to some then the customers will move their target towards ensure as these two are the biggest competitors available. According to this study some of the customers were even asked to talk about the main factors which result in going to a pharmacy and buying a medicine.The highest price as usual was given to the price and prescription of the doctors which shows that these two fa ctors are the main ones which affect the benefit and the buying plan of customers. A very high rank was also given to non-prescription medicine buying pattern, that is that many customers by medicine without any prescriptions, they use the help of either billboards or any other means of advertisement. This is somewhat the case with pediasure as well because I have prescribed many people to give pediasure to their children as regular diet and they have actually followed and abided to it.Summing it all up this study basically talks about the buying patterns of individuals while buying nutritional products or medicines. We get a clear view on what factor do the consumers keep in mind when making an effort to go and buy this product. The second research here talks about the consumer’s choice process when purchasing the staple food, it was chosen as for some pediasure is a medicine hence a necessity. After 1989, there were significant changes in food consumption, both in volumes a nd structure.These changes happened due to various factors. The most important factors with influence on demand and food consumption were: development of income levels of Czech inhabitants, development of consumer prices of food and non-food products and services, offer and availability of products on the market, advertising and promotion, health education, joining the EU. Besides these above, an impact on consumption also has such factors as quality development, extent of self-provision with food products, or the degree to which the needs are satisfied.The fundamental influence on consumption has the development of consumer prices of food and capital goods and services in relations to development of incomes, thus buying power. In the last few years, there was a visible tendency to decreasing influence of prices on food consumption. The paper focuses on the development of consumption and changes in consumption patterns, motivation and attitudes. Presented data are based on the marke ting research conducted by the Department of Marketing and Trade, Mendel University in Brno, in fall 2004.However, results of the recent research have proved that, when buying foodstuffs and beverages, consumers are influenced also by habits, current moods, situations, emotions and that the behavior of individual consumer segments is quite different. This could be the case with PediaSure as well. Factors, which influence purchase decision, affect individual groups of consumers in a different way. For a consumer research concerning individual staple food categories, the following demographic characteristics were used: sex, age, affiliation with a social group and domicile.Demographic characteristics, which are easily available, measurable, and helping to localize the target market, were used. Analysis and results of the survey (via questionnaire) about customer behavior then allow predicting the behaviour of customers and to learn what, why, when, where, how and how often they buy. T he survey via questionnaires aiming to analyze the consumer decision process when buying staple foods and beverages was conducted using a sample of 1 750 respondents.The sample was selected in such a way that it should represent the structure of the Czech population according to 4 identification characteristics – age, sex, social group, and size of the settlement where the respondents have their permanent place of residence. The answers provided information about reasons and the decision-making process when buying four staple food categories, meat and meat products, milk, dairy products and eggs, non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages and bakery and confectionery products.Frequencies of respondents, whose motives for purchases of basic foodstuff were influenced by routine, newcomers, healthy lifestyle or other unidentified factors . As PediaSure is also a dairy product that is the reason why we use this result which says Milk and dairy products illustrate that routine purchase s predominated also when buying milk, butter and eggs. Purchases of cheese and yogurts were influenced by the assortment and by the healthy lifestyle. Frequencies of respondents classified into individual ocial groups did not show any significant differences It follows from these results that changes in consumption patterns of milk and dairy products were influenced by the factors of health protection andhealthy lifestyle. Extended offer of products was another important factor. Financial reasons were mentioned in the last place. We can differentiate in the behavior of retired people; their decision-making process is influenced by financial reasons. The healthy lifestyle is the most important factor in the age group of â€Å"productive age† (25–60 years).The place of residence did not show any significant effect on differences in the behavior of people from towns and villages. It is of interest that that there were differences in factors influencing purchasing decision s of men and women. Men tended to appreciate a wider assortment than women. As a reason for changes in consumption of these products, women mentioned more often the healthy lifestyle, while men appreciated a wider assortment. For Beverages, the reasons for changes in consumption patterns were different than those mentioned for foodstuffs.Financial reasons were as important as the healthy lifestyle and a wider assortment. This could be influenced by the fact that the question concerned all beverages so that this was a very variable category of products and for that reason the answers were too general. For producers, important information represents the fact that consumers are influenced by newcomers, innovations and advertising when buying staples. Consumers, who were strongly interested in their health, purchasedcereal bakery products, fish, poultry, yogurts, cheese and mineral water.When analysing the reasons of changes in consumption patterns, it was demonstrated that the reasons differed in dependence on the affiliation with the individual groups of customers. There were different reasons for individual social groups, individual age categories, and different localities. If we omit these identification groups, the most frequent reason for changes in consumption patterns in all categories of foods was the healthy lifestyle followed by a wider assortment. Financial reasons were mentioned on the last place.The reason for using this study was to show that although not for everyone but for those who consume pediasure is similar to a staple food. The reason being is that you have to include it either in your milk or your beverage. So when we talk about the buying and selling of dairy products overhear we can always link it to PediaSure as it is a dairy product for most. When we look at the buying patterns of consumers we can always similarize it with the buying patterns of pediasure . Starting from the price to marketing to health safety all of these affect the bu ying of pediasure.It might be one of these factors that would have resulted the sales to go down at the end of the study it said that prices didn’t matter most so it may be a possibility that there may be another factor other than price. Reference for literature review: Guide to consumers pharmaceutical purchasing behavior (MARSHA FAHEY , writer and editor, Emron, Ine. , Warren, New Jersey) Consumer choice process when purchasing the staple food (J. STAVKOVA, J. TURCINKOVA Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry, Brno, Czech Republic) Design of study I. Problem Definition and Hypothesis FormulationThis research is conducted to find out the reasons behind the decrease in sales of Pediasure for the past few years in certain areas, and whether consumers of different localities; specifically Federal-B Area and Defence have different perceptions regarding the product and the following variables: * Brand Image * Usage Pattern * Preference * Satisfaction * Availability * Aware ness Following Hypothesis was tested during the study: 7. There is no difference between Perceptions of customers of Defence and Federal-B area. 8. Knowing the available competitor’s, consumer will prefer Pediasure over competitors as a Nutritional Supplement. . Consumers will purchase the product if they are told about the benefits. 10. Creating Awareness will impact the sales of Pediasure. 11. Whether high nutrients are preferred over other variables like Price and Recommendations. 12. Whether being a Medicinal product is good for the image of Pediasure. Research Design: The study seeks to find the ultimate solution to solve the problem of declining sales of Abbot’s Pediasure find and to seek whether it is feasible for conducting additional promotional activities. Since we were seeking to explore the reasons for declining sales we used Exploratory Research Methods.Sampling Technique: Convenience sampling method based on a non-probability sampling technique was used t o gather data from the respondents. A questionnaire based survey was conducted to validate the findings. The questionnaire-based survey is designed as to measure both quantitative and qualitative variables. Its methodical profile includes multi-perspective, cross-sectional design and broad random samples. The questionnaire tests the following variables: * Brand Identity * Usage Pattern * Preference * Satisfaction * Availability II. Gathering DataWe questioned 50 mothers from different stores in Federal-B Area and 30 from stores in Defence. The main reason for having an unequal sample size for both areas is because number of medical stores in Federal-B Area is a lot more than that in Defence, so we thought it would me fair if we had more respondents from Federal-B area. Our target respondents were mothers of age in between 30-40, but it was not very easy to find them in the medical stores. We questioned as many as we could find and the rest was filled by fathers of around the same ag e group on behalf of their wives.It was our good fortune that the fathers were surprisingly well-informed about the products being used for the infants. 1. Analysis of Results The data was first entered in Microsoft Excel and then one of our group members double-checked and copied it to the SPSS software and then analysis were conducted using SPSS Statistical Software. Pearson Chi-square test was used to analyze the result and hypothesis with assumed significance greater than . 05 were rejected. HYPOTHESIS 1 HO Area of residence affects use of nutritional supplementsHa Area of residence does not affects use of nutritional supplements AREA OF RESPONDENT * CURRENTLY USING SUPPLEMENT Crosstabulation| | | | CURRENTLY USING SUPPLEMENT| Total| | | | YES| NO| | AREA OF RESPONDENT| FB| Count| 49| 1| 50| | | % within AREA OF RESPONDENT| 98. 0%| 2. 0%| 100. 0%| | | % within CURRENTLY USING SUPPLEMENT| 61. 3%| 16. 7%| 58. 1%| | DEFENCE| Count| 31| 5| 36| | | % within AREA OF RESPONDENT| 86. 1% | 13. 9%| 100. 0%| | | % within CURRENTLY USING SUPPLEMENT| 38. 8%| 83. 3%| 41. 9%| Total| Count| 80| 6| 86| | % within AREA OF RESPONDENT| 93. 0%| 7. 0%| 100. 0%| | % within CURRENTLY USING SUPPLEMENT| 100. %| 100. 0%| 100. 0%| Chi-Square Tests| | Value| Df| Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)| Exact Sig. (2-sided)| Exact Sig. (1-sided)| Pearson Chi-Square| 4. 558a| 1| . 033| | | Continuity Correctionb| 2. 911| 1| . 088| | | Likelihood Ratio| 4. 707| 1| . 030| | | Fisher's Exact Test| | | | . 078| . 044| Linear-by-Linear Association| 4. 505| 1| . 034| | | N of Valid Cases| 86| | | | | a. 2 cells (50. 0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 2. 51. | b. Computed only for a 2Ãâ€"2 table| At 5%significance level do not reject H0 Area of residence does affect the use of nutritional supplement HYPOTHESIS 2HO: AREA OF RESIDENCE AFFECTS AWARENESS OF PEDIASURE H1 AREA OF RESIDECE DOES NOT AFFECT AWARENESS ABOUT PEDIASURE ARE YOU AWARE OF ABBOTS CHILD NUTRITION PRODUCT PEDIASUR E? * IF YES THAN HAVE YOU EVER BOUGHT IT? Crosstabulation| | | | IF YES THAN HAVE YOU EVER BOUGHT IT? | Total| | | | YES| NO| | ARE YOU AWARE OF ABBOTS CHILD NUTRITION PRODUCT PEDIASURE? | YES| Count| 19| 14| 33| | | % within ARE YOU AWARE OF ABBOTS CHILD NUTRITION PRODUCT PEDIASURE? | 57. 6%| 42. 4%| 100. 0%| | | % within IF YES THAN HAVE YOU EVER BOUGHT IT? | 100. 0%| 100. 0%| 100. 0%| Total| Count| 19| 14| 33| % within ARE YOU AWARE OF ABBOTS CHILD NUTRITION PRODUCT PEDIASURE? | 57. 6%| 42. 4%| 100. 0%| | % within IF YES THAN HAVE YOU EVER BOUGHT IT? | 100. 0%| 100. 0%| 100. 0%| Chi-Square Tests| | Value| Df| Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)| Exact Sig. (2-sided)| Exact Sig. (1-sided)| Pearson Chi-Square| 1. 075a| 1| . 300| | | Continuity Correctionb| . 632| 1| . 427| | | Likelihood Ratio| 1. 079| 1| . 299| | | Fisher's Exact Test| | | | . 341| . 214| Linear-by-Linear Association| 1. 060| 1| . 303| | | N of Valid Cases| 70| | | | | a. 0 cells (. 0%) have expected count less than 5. The mini mum expected count is 14. 14. b. Computed only for a 2Ãâ€"2 table| At 5% significance level do not reject H0 Area of residence affects awareness of Abbots product Pediasure HYPOTHEIS 3H0 Knowing the available competitor’s, consumer will prefer Pediasure over competitors as a Nutritional Supplement. H1 Knowing the available competitor’s, consumer will not affect consumer preference of Pediasure over competitors as a Nutritional Supplement. Paired Samples Test| | | Paired Differences| | | | | | Mean| Std. Deviation| Std. Error Mean| Pair 1| ARE YOU AWARE OF ABBOTS CHILD NUTRITION PRODUCT PEDIASURE? – IF YES THAN HAVE YOU EVER BOUGHT IT? -. 424| . 502| . 087| Paired Samples Test| | | Paired Differences| | | 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference| | | Lower| Upper| Pair 1| ARE YOU AWARE OF ABBOTS CHILD NUTRITION PRODUCT PEDIASURE? – IF YES THAN HAVE YOU EVER BOUGHT IT? | -. 602| -. 246| | Paired Samples Test| | | | | | | | | t| df| Sig. (2-tailed)| Pair 1 | ARE YOU AWARE OF ABBOTS CHILD NUTRITION PRODUCT PEDIASURE? – IF YES THAN HAVE YOU EVER BOUGHT IT? | -4. 856| 32| . 000| At 5% Significance level reject HO Awareness is not the only reason why consumers will prefer Pediasure over competitor’s product HYPOTHEIS 4HO: High nutrients are preferred over other variables like Price Ha: High nutrients are not preferred over other variables like Price Chi-Square Tests| | Value| Df| Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)| Pearson Chi-Square| 238. 264a| 24| . 000| Likelihood Ratio| 183. 809| 24| . 000| Linear-by-Linear Association| 62. 765| 1| . 000| N of Valid Cases| 93| | | a. 29 cells (82. 9%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is . 32. | AT 5% significance level reject H0 Nutrients are not preferred over variables such as price HYPOTHESIS 5 HO: High nutrients are preferred over other variables like RecommendationHa: High nutrients are not preferred over other variables like recommendation Chi-Square Tests| | Value| D f| Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)| Pearson Chi-Square| 217. 033a| 25| . 000| Likelihood Ratio| 206. 420| 25| . 000| Linear-by-Linear Association| 69. 663| 1| . 000| N of Valid Cases| 115| | | a. 30 cells (83. 3%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is . 24. | At 5% significance level reject H0 High nutrients are not preferred over other variables like recommendation HYPOTHESIS 6 H0: Being a Medicinal product is good for the image of Pediasure.Ha: Being a Medicinal product has no effect on the image of Pediasure. III. Sources of Data * Primary Sources: * Respondents Our main aim was to get fresh information from the parents directly, so we could better figure out the main reasons behind the sluggish growth of sales. There were some instances where the store managers were being receptive and the respondents showed disinterest in providing information. Due to our persistence we managed to get a great deal of good information. We mostly had to read out the questions to th e respondents, while they shopped and marked the answers according to their response.The questionnaires were all filled under supervision of either of the members of the group to avoid the chance of misunderstandings. * Secondary Sources: Secondary data was not as such required in our research it was mostly based on primary data. The literature review only required thorough reading of different articles. This helped us in getting a better idea about different aspects of the research work. We learned how to design the questionnaire in a way that would get the maximum possible information without offending the respondents in any way.It also helped us to figure out how the issue of differences in perception of people living in different type of areas in the same city has been dealt. Some important information regarding Pediasure and its competitors Contents was also gained using some secondary data. It was gathered from the websites of these companies and also from reading the packages of the respective products. This was basically done to compare different variables in different supplements. The comparisons were eventually used to analyze which variable is most important for the consumers. IV. Research InstrumentAs mentioned above, a questionnaire based survey was conducted, the questionnaire was designed collectively by the entire group members, keeping in mind all the dos and don’ts of Questionnaire designs taught by our mentor/teacher. It was also SPSS friendly, so it was really easy for us to statistically analyze it through the software. Before moving ahead with it, we also got it checked to reduce as much chances of errors as possible. It was scripted using simple and familiar language, few questions that were easy to answer and supervision was given throughout. The sampling technique was partially random.The stores in all the areas were shortlisted through systematic random sampling technique. There were a total of 92 stores in F. B area and 56 sto res in Defence, and we randomly selected 25 and 15 stores from the respective areas. Then from each store 2 respondents were surveyed upon. The questionnaire contained 14 questions measuring different variables that are mentioned above. The variables tested through our research are usage pattern, preference to competitors, frequency of purchase, brand identity and purchase intention. Some questions were even included to get a little idea about the demographics of the target population.We faced some trouble during data collection, since the respondents seemed totally disinterested in giving their valuable knowledge to us. The staffs of the stores were also being receptive due to the agitation of the customers. In cases where store managers were not allowing us to interview in the store, we had to wait outside to get our target respondents. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS RESTATEMENT OF PROBLEM The research problem was to identify the reasons behind the decline in sales of Abbot's flagship pr oduct Pediasure. This was done by dividing selected areas in the city, mainly Defense and F.B Area, into class A and class B and finding out the perceptions of the users about the product. DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURES Research Design The study seeks to find the ultimate solution to solve the problem of declining sales of Abbot’s Pediasure and to seek whether it is feasible for conducting additional promotional activities. Since we were seeking to explore the reasons for declining sales we used Exploratory Research Methods. Sampling Technique Convenience sampling method based on a non-probability sampling technique was used to gather data from the respondents. A questionnaire base survey was conducted to validate the findings.The questionnaire-based survey is designed as quantitative and qualitative both. Its methodical profile includes multi-perspective, cross-sectional design and broad random samples. The questionnaire tests the following variables: * Brand Image * Usage Patter n * Preference * Satisfaction * Availability * Awareness Following Hypothesis was tested during the study: 1. Area of residence affects use of nutritional supplements. 2. Area of residence affects awareness of Pediasure. 3. Knowing the available competitor’s, consumer will prefer Pediasure over competitors as a Nutritional Supplement. . High nutrients are preferred over other variables like Price. 5. High nutrients are preferred over other variables like Recommendation. The data was entered in Statistical Software SPSS v. 17 and Pearson Chi-Square Test was used to conclude findings. If the value of assumed significance was greater than . 05, the hypothesis was rejected. MAJOR FINDINGS 1. Area of residence affects use of nutritional supplements We do not reject our hypothesis which means that there is a difference in perceptions of people living in different areas. 2. Area of residence affects awareness of Pediasure.We do not reject our hypothesis showing that again area of re sidence is a factor which contributes to the differences in attributes of people. 3. Knowing the available competitor’s, consumer will prefer Pediasure over competitors as a Nutritional Supplement. We reject our hypothesis because awareness is not the only reason why consumers will prefer Pediasure over competitor’s product. 4. High nutrients are preferred over other variables like Price. We reject our hypothesis with the conclusion that price is the principle variable considered in buying nutritional supplements. 5.High nutrients are preferred over other variables like Recommendation. We reject our hypothesis because considering the nutritional aspect is not a preference over other factors such as recommendation. RECOMMENDATIONS * The image of Pediasure should be improved for the consumers to identify it as a medicinal product. * Increase in the number of flavors of Pediasure would boost the sales. * There is a requirement from the marketing department to be more acti ve and engage in activities such as personal selling. * If there is a possibility then the price of the product should be reduced keeping in mind the costs. If not then the company should emphasize the benefits of the product as in Nutritional value should be highlighted in the campaigns like â€Å"37 vital nutrients† to motivate the customers into buying the product. * Different promotional campaigns according to different mediums should be designed highlighting the strong points of the product. Choosing brand ambassadors with high percentage of popularity among the children is a good idea. BIBLIOGRAPHY Guide to consumers pharmaceutical purchasing behavior (MARSHA FAHEY , writer and editor, Emron, Ine. , Warren, New Jersey) Consumer choice process when purchasing the staple food (J.STAVKOVA, J. TURCINKOVA Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry, Brno, Czech Republic) http://www. abbott. com. pk/ APPENDIX Abbott Nutrition Questionnaire Name: Age: Profession: Area of res idence: Husband’s profession: Currently using (Any supplement): 1. _________(AGE:___) 2. _________(AGE:___) 3. _________(AGE:___) Questionnaire for Mothers 1. How many children do you have? * 0-2 * 2-4 * More than 4 2. What are the ages of your children? * * 1 ____________ * 2 ____________ * 3 ____________ * 4 __________ * 5 ___________ 6 ___________ 3. Are you satisfied with your child’s (children) growth (height and weight) that are under the age of 10? * Yes * No 4. Does your child (ren) fall sick often? * Yes * No If your answer to any of the above question(s) 3 ; 4 is YES, then proceed to Q5 5. In which school(s) does your child (ren) study that are under the age of 10? 1 ________________ 2 ________________ 3 _______________ 4 ______________ 6. Were you recommended by someone to use the product or you use it on your own * Recommended by someone * Used on the own 7. If recommended, then who recommended you to use the supplement? Doctor * Friends * Neighbors * Rela tives * Other, Please specify: __________________________________________________________ 8. How many times in a day do you give the supplement to your child (ren)? * * Child 1 * Child 2 * Child 3 * Child 4 Once Twice Thrice 9. Are you aware of Abbott’s Child Nutrition Product’ Pediasure’? * Yes * No 10. If YES, then answer the following questions If no then jump to Q#12 : (a) Have you ever bought it? * Yes * No (b) When did you buy it and whose recommendation did you buy it? ____________________________________________ (c) Any why did you discontinue buying it? ___________________________________________________________________ 11. If your answer to Q#10(a) is NO, then what is the reason for not buying it? ————————————————- 12. Have you ever been to a pediatrician or child specialist? * Yes * No 13 If you are told that Pediasure is the Child Specialis t’s first choice for child nutrition and for children who are picky/fussy eaters and it not only enhances growth (Height& Weight) but it also builds immunity. It is also clinically proven to reduce number of sick days and the incidence of infections, would you start using it? * Yes * No 4 If NO, Why? ____________________________________________________________________ 15 Rank the considerations (in order of priority) on a scale of (1-9) 1 being the highest and 10 being the lowest, if you are to make a decision to buy a nutritional supplement? * * Price * Company * Nutritional value * TV Ads * Doctor’s recommendation * Packaging * Someone else’s recommendation, Please specify: * Other, Please specify: _____________________ 16 If I tell you that per month cost of Pediasure is Rs. 2100 (1 serving per day) and the cost of supplement that you are using is ____________, then would you prefer buying Pediasure? Yes * No Product Comparison Product Comparison | Approximat ely Analysis Powder Per 100gm| | Pediasure Comp. | Promise PE| Horlics Junior| Meiji Big| Enervit Junior| Energy PER 100G| 492| 451| 406| 467| 489| Calories Per Serving| 225| 200| 101|   | 185| Per Rs. Calories| 3| 3| 3. 5|   |   | Nutrints|   |   |   |   |   | Protien| 14. 8 gm| 16 gm| 17. 5 gm| 20| 15 gm| Fat| 24. 6 gm| 16 gm| 7. 1 gm| 19| 24 gm| Carbohydrate| 52. 8 gm| 61 gm | 67. 5 gm| 54| 53. 4 gm| FOS| 1. 75 gm| 1. 4 gm| NA|   | 2 gm| Taurine| 35. 4 mg| 21 mg| NA| 33| 30 mg| Carnitine| 8. 4 mg| 7. 7 mg| NA|   | 10 mg| Inositol| 39. 4 mg| 34 mg| NA|   | 40 mg|   |   |   |   |   | Minerals|   |   |   |   |   | Calcium| 483 mg| 563 mg| 800 mg| 700| 490 mg| Phosphorus| 300 mg| 383 mg| NA| 470| 360 mg| Zinc| 4. 9 mg| 5. 4 mg| 4. 5 mg| 4| 3. 2 mg| Copper | 0. 5 mg| 0. 39 mg| 0. 34 mg| 320ug| 0. 37 mg| Selenium| 14. 8 mcg| NA| 20 mcg |   | 14. 8 mcg| Iron| 6. 9 mg| 8. 4 mg| 14 mg| 8| 6. 9 mg| Iodine| 47. 3 mcg| 42 mcg| 90 mcg| 100ug| 62 mcg | Niacin| 8. 42 mg| 3. 1 mg| 6 mg| 6| NA| Magnesium| 98 mg| 50 mg| NA| 70| 47 mg| Sodium| 227 mg| 212 mg| NA| 270| 200 mg| Potassium| 640 mg | 856 mg| NA| 970| 570 mg | Choloride| 493 mg| 495 mg| NA| 630| 360 mg| Manganese| 1. 23 mg| 0. 5 mg| NA| 45ug| 25 mg|Chromium| 15 mcg| NA| NA|   | NA| Molybdenum| 24. 6 mcg| NA| NA|   | NA| Vitamins|   |   |   |   |   | Vitamin A| 1270 IU| 1500 IU| 300 mcg| 1300IU| 400 mcg| Vitamin C| 50 mg| 54 mg| 30 mg| 55MG| 50 mg| Vitamin D| 158 IU| 301 IU| 5 mcg| 300IU| 4 mcg| Vitamin E| 11. 4 IU| 7. 4 IU| 6 mg| 6MG| 8 mg| Vitamin B1| 1. 35 mg| 0. 58 mg| 0. 5 mg | 0. 4MG| 0. 9 mg| Vitamin B2| 1. 03 mg| 0. 7 mg| 1 mg| 1. 6MG| 1. 03 mg| Vitamin B6| 1. 3 mg| 0. 56 mg| 1 mg| 0. 3MG| 8 mg| Vitamin B12| 1. 5 mcg| 1. 1 mcg| 1. 8 mcg | 2UG| 1. 4 mcg| Vitamin K| 18. 8 mcg| 28 mcg| 30 mcg| 25UG| 20 mcg| Nicotinamide| 8. 4 mg| NA| NA|   | 8 mg| Pantothenic Acid| 3. 45 mg| 2. 5 mg| NA| 2MG| 3. 4 mg| Folic Acid| 108 mcg| 31 mcg| 300 mcg| 0. 1MG| 100 mc g| Biotin | 18. 2 mcg| 11 mcg| NA|   | 18 mcg| Choline| 148 mg | 135 mg| NA|   | 80 mg | Additional details about Promise PE Gold | Powder Per 100gm| Protein | Alfa lactulbumin 0. 81 gm| | Fat| Linoleic Acid 4054 mg| DHA 8. 1 mg| AA 12 mg| | Carbohydrates| Lactose 29 gm| Maltodextrine 11 gm| Corn Syrup Solid 11 gm| Sucrose 9. 5 gm| | Vitamin | Beta Carotine 68 mcg| | Nuclotides 12 mg| | Leutin 90 mcg| | Age 2-10 Years| | Dilution| 5 scoops (44 gm) powder in 175 ml water | Scoop Size 8. 8 gm| | Flavor Vanila | | Fat formulation contains Palm Olein Oil|

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Math Natural Exponents Essays - Exponentials, Logarithms, E

Math Natural Exponents Essays - Exponentials, Logarithms, E The existence of e is implicit in John Napier's 1614 work on logarithms, and natural logarithms. The symbol e for the base of natural logarithms was first used by the Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler in a 1727 or 1728 manuscript called (Meditation on experiments made recently on the firing of cannon) Euler also used the symbol in a letter written in 1731, and e made it into print in 1736, in Euler's Mechanica. There were few assumptions about what the letter e stand for some says that e was meant to stand for "exponential"; others have pointed out that Euler could have been working his way through the alphabet, and the letters a, b, c, and d already had common mathematical uses. What seems highly unlikely is that Euler was thinking of his own name, even though e is sometimes called Euler's number. Euler's interest in e stemmed from the attempt to calculate the amount that would result from continually compounded interest on a sum of money. The limit for compounding interest is, in fact, expressed by the constant e. "e" is a numerical constant that is equal to 2.71828 The value of "e" is found in many mathematical formulas such as those describing a nonlinear increase or decrease such as growth or decay (including compound interest) "e" also shows up in some problems of probability, some counting problems and so many other uses in mathematical problems Because it occurs naturally with some frequency in the world, "e" is used as the base of natural logarithms. e is usually defined by the following equation: An effective way to calculate the value of e to use the following infinite sum of factorials. Factorials are just products of numbers indicated by an exclamation mark. For instance, "four factorial" is written as "4!" and means 1234 = 24. e = 1/0! + 1/1! + 1/2! + 1/3! + 1/4! + ... The sum of the values is 2.7182818284590452353602875 which is "e." ex as a function: The derivative of ex d dx ex = ex "The derivative of ex with respect to x is equal to ex." Therefore on taking the derivative of both sides with respect to x, and applying the chain rule to ln y: = 1. y' = y. That is, = ex. (Spector, Lawrence.( 2015 ) the math page) It implies the meaning of exponential growth. For we say that a quantity grows "exponentially" when it grows at a rate that is proportional to its size. The bigger it is at any given time, the faster it's growing at that time Graph y = ex Applications on the function of ex : The number e does have physical meaning. It occurs naturally in any situation where a quantity increases at a rate proportional to its value, such as a bank account producing interest, or a population increasing as its members reproduces. Exponential Decay as it similar with population growth. The best thing about exponential functions is that they are so useful in real world situations. Exponential functions are used to model populations, carbon date artifacts, help coroners determine time of death, compute investments, as well as many other applications. Example 1: in the case when the ratio is 1 (simple interest = 100% of original amount): Question: If you would earn 100% interest (i.e., your money would double) under simple interest, how much money would you end up with under compound interest? Answer: You would have e times your original amount. Example 2: The population of a city is P = 250,342e0.012t where t = 0 represents the population in the year 2000. Find the population of the city in the year 2010. To find the population in the year 2010, we need to let t = 10 in our given equation. P = 250,342e0.012 (10) = 250,342e0.12 = 282,259.82 Since we are dealing with the population of a city, we normally round to a whole number, in this case 282,260 people. This gives us the following physical meaning for the number e: The number e is the factor by which a bank account earning continually compounding interest or a reproducing population whose offspring are themselves capable of reproduction, or any similar quantity that grows at a rate proportional to its current value or the decay at a rate of proportional to

Monday, October 21, 2019

Garrett Morgon Essays - Garrett, Free Essays, Term Papers

Garrett Morgon Essays - Garrett, Free Essays, Term Papers Garrett Morgon Garrett Morgon was born on March 4,1877 in Clayville, Kentucky. Garrett was the second child in the Morgon family. Garrett got his name by his matermal grandfather. Garretts mother was named Eliza Reed. She was the doughor of the Reverend Garrett Reed. He was the ministor of the church where Garrett was babtized. Garrett attended Branch Elementary School in clayville. He only attended school for the first three months, he worked in the fields for the other nine months. Garrett would burn inside when he thought of having to go back to the fields to work. When he was fifthteen, he asked his parents if he could leave to go on his own, so they both agreed. So Garrett left his home in Clayville and left for Cincinnati, Ohio where he worked as a handyman for a while for a white land owner. He saw no future in this, so he moved to Cleveland, Ohio where he only arrived with only a dime. Soon after he invented the safety mask ( The Safety Hood), he came up with a new device. One day he saw an accident with a carriage & a automobile & with he growing numbers in automobiles on the streets he said Why not have electrical light signals at intersections with different colored lights as signals for stopping or going? The first born traffic light signal system (which is now used allover the world), was first used on November 1923 (U.S. Patent number 1,475,024). The traffic signals where bought from Garrett to GE (General Electric) corporation for the sum of $40,000. Before his death, Garretts traffic signal was cited by the U.S. goverment for inventing the first traffic signal. After two years of illness, on July 27, 1963 Garrett died at the age of eighty-six. Garrett life was a long, happy, and extremely useful one. The world is safer because of his long work!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

ACT vs SAT Which Students Should Take Which

ACT vs SAT Which Students Should Take Which SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips As a high school student, you’re probably wondering whether you should take the SAT or the ACT. Which one will give you a better score? Is one easier than the other? The answer is not as straightforward as you might think. Everyone has different test-taking strengths and learning styles. Based on these factors, it might be to your advantage to take one test over the other. In this article I’ll go through a list of different strengths and weaknesses you could have as a test-taker and as a student in general and which test you should take based on these qualities. Test-Taking Abilities and Style These are a few common pitfalls unrelated to content that students encounter on standardized tests. It might be better for you to take one test over the other based on your experience with these issues. You’re an anxious tester If you tend to get really nervous on test day, you are probably better off with the ACT.The ACT has much more predictable structure and content than the SAT, so you can prepare more confidently. On the reading section of the ACT, for example, there are always four passages in the same sequence of genres: Prose Fiction/Literary Narrative, Social Science, Humanities, and Natural Science.On the SAT, the structure is not as reliable. We know the topics that appear and the types of passages and questions, but not their order on the test. On the ACT, once the section for a subject is over, that’s it - you’re done with it for the whole test.This is in contrast to the SAT, which has ten sections, six of which are ordered randomly.The SAT also has an experimental section on every test that won’t count towards your scores and sometimes contains unfamiliar material, which can throw you off. You won’t have to worry about this on the ACT. You get tripped up by confusing wording It’s a better idea to take the ACT if this is a problem for you. The SAT has weird question wording that could trick you if you often get confused by that type of thing.The ACT is very straightforward in its question wording, so you usually have a clear sense of what the questions are asking right away rather than having to think about it too much first. For example, a reading question on the ACT might ask â€Å"What was Sam trying to accomplish by talking to her sister?†A reading question on the SAT might ask something more like â€Å"If the author of passage 1 reads lines 16-24 of passage 2, which of the following is she least likely to offer as a response?†You have to jump through a couple more hoops of â€Å"this, not that† logic before you can answer the question. You tend to run out of time If you have time problems, it’s a better idea to take the SAT.Why? You get more time per question, and it’s broken up into ten short sections rather than four long ones.This means that if you have a time problem on one section, it will not necessarily tank your scores. You will have a couple other sections to make up for it (3 math, 3 critical reading, 2 writing). On the ACT, each subject is just one long section, so if you get stuck on a difficult question and end up messing up your timing for a whole section, it’s going to have a much bigger impact on your scores. Anecdotal evidence from students also points to more problems with time pressure on the ACT than the SAT. But what if I’m an anxious tester AND I tend to run out of time, which test should I take? If you have both of these problems, you should plan on doing a lot more prep before your next test.The decision is probably going to rest on where your strengths lie as far as content, which I’ll get to in the next section. Time: The one true enemy of us all. Subject Strengths Let's move on to actual test content. I'll go through the different subject areas tested on the SAT and ACT and which test is the better one to take based on whether you excel or struggle in these subjects. Math Case 1: I consider numbers to be my only real friends If you have great math skills, the test where you stand to gain the biggest advantage is the ACT.The ACT tests more advanced math concepts than the SAT, and no formulas are provided for you (except on some individual questions).It also requires math problem-solving speed and stamina - you will need to solve 60 questions in a row with only a minute for each question. The ACT asks math questions in a more straightforward way than the SAT, so if your math skills are good but your reading comprehension skills are less so, the ACT is the test you want to take. Case 2: Math fills me with wrath You might be better off with the SAT if math is not your strong suit.The questions are more broken up (three sections, two 25 minute and one 20 minute), so if you mess up or run out of time on one math section you won’t necessarily ruin your score. You will have more time per question (67 seconds rather than 60), and the math concepts tested are not as advanced.The SAT also gives you formulasto work with at the start of the math sections. Reading Case 1: I’m a word nerd If you enjoy reading, it’s likely that you already have a strong base of vocabulary and can read passages fairly quickly.If you know a lot of advanced vocabulary words, you’re better off taking the SAT.Sentence completion and vocabulary in context questions make up a significant portion of the critical reading section, and a prodigious vocabulary will give you a leg up.There are also a lot of confusingly worded questions on the SAT in general. You’ll have a much easier time surmounting that obstacle compared to students who aren’t as good at reading. On the ACT, knowing advanced vocabulary won’t help your score much if at all.You might consider taking the ACT if you’re a fast reader and are very good at reading comprehension, not just vocabulary.These skills will help you on the Reading AND Science sections. Case 2: I’m a Spark Notes type of guy/gal This is tough, because reading skills are very important on both tests.I’d say if you are not as fond of reading you should take the ACT.Though there is a lot of reading involved and a lot of time pressure, the questions tend to be more straightforward and less confusing than those on the SAT.You also don’t need to know advanced vocabulary to do well.Practice reading quickly and understanding passages before the test - this will be extremely important on Reading and Science. My brain will just absorb the words. That's how reading works, right? Grammar Case 1: I'm the grammar police, and you're ALL UNDER ARREST If you're good at grammar, you could really take either test, but you'll probably have the biggest advantage on the SAT. The multiple choice on the SAT Writing section is similar to the ACT English section, but it is less passage-based. Most of it is identifying errors in sentences and improving sentences out of context.On the ACT English section, questions are always asked alongside a corresponding passage, so you have more context to work with for your answers. Case 2: I don't care 'bout no stupid grammar The SAT Writing section and the ACT English section will both be tough for you if you’re not so great at grammar, so study the grammar rules beforehand! The ACT English section might be slightly easier because, as mentioned above, it asks its questions in the context of long passages. But it also has a lot more questions (75 vs. 49 on the SAT), so it's a trade-off. Essay Writing Case 1: I’m the next Hemingway If you're a great writer, you should take the SAT.On the SAT you will be writing an essay no matter what, and you only get 25 minutes to do it.The essay also accounts for about a third of your Writing subscore.Essay prompts on the SAT are varied and require you to formulate opinions and examples to support them very quickly, which is difficult if you don't already have strong writing skills. Case 2: I don’t have the write stuff If you’re not as into writing, the ACT is a better choice.You don’t even have to write an essay, and if you do take it with Writing the essay won’t impact your composite score.You also get 40 minutes for the essay rather than 25, and prompts tend to be more straightforward. Prompts on the ACT ask students to consider how changes in the world today will affect humanity in a broad sense, and you can use abstract reasoning and even made up examples to support your points. Science Case 1: I am the lovechild of Bill Nye and his very attractive microscope (don’t ask me about logistics) Take the ACT!Although the science section doesn’t actually require much scientific knowledge beyond basic concepts you learned in elementary school, knowing a lot of science can help you get a better grasp on the experiments and data presented on the test.You’ll have a much easier (and faster) time understanding what’s going on and answering the questions if you are familiar with the science involved. Case 2: I break out in hives when I see a test tube. If you don’t like science, take the SAT.You should know that you CAN still do well on the science section of the ACT without knowing much science at all.However, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the data presented and unfamiliar background information even if the questions themselves are not that hard.If you think seeing chemical equations or physics on one of these standardized tests will give you a heart attack, go with the SAT so you won’t have to worry about it. Aughhhh I said no science! You KNOW I'm allergic! Summary and Follow Up In deciding which test to take, you should consider both your testing style and your subject strengths. Here's a summary of the situations listed above and my corresponding test recommendations: Test anxiety? ACTEasily confused by questions? ACTTime problems? SATGreat at math? ACTGreat at reading? SATGreat at grammar? SATGreat at writing? SATGreat at science? ACT Additionally, If you have a strong imbalance in your abilities in different subjects, you might be better off with the ACT.This is because your individual scores on each section are not nearly as important to colleges are they are on the SAT. On the ACT, your composite score is pretty much the only thing that matters. You also won’t have to deal with switching unpredictably between subjects you know well and subjects you struggle with during the test. If you're still not entirely sure which test is best for you or which strengths and weaknesses you have, you should take an ACT practice test and an SAT practice test(each with the official time constraints so you'll know if running out of time is a problem!). Look up average standardized test scores for colleges you would like to attend to figure out your target score for both the ACT and the SAT. Then, score your practice tests and see where you end up. Is one test score significantly closer to your target score than the other? If so, that's the test you want to take. If the scores are similar, you may need to decide based on which test format makes you feel more comfortable. On test day, you'll be under a lot more pressure! What's Next? If you're still looking for more details on how the SAT and the ACT compare to each other, check out this article. Trying to decide when to take the SAT or ACT? Read this guide to find the best test date for you! For more advice on how to combat your weaknesses on either test, take a look at our advice on how to review your mistakeson the SAT or ACT and how to improve your overall scores on both tests. Want to improve your SAT score by 240 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now: ACT vs SAT Which Students Should Take Which SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips As a high school student, you’re probably wondering whether you should take the SAT or the ACT. Which one will give you a better score? Is one easier than the other? The answer is not as straightforward as you might think. Everyone has different test-taking strengths and learning styles. Based on these factors, it might be to your advantage to take one test over the other. In this article I’ll go through a list of different strengths and weaknesses you could have as a test-taker and as a student in general and which test you should take based on these qualities. Test-Taking Abilities and Style These are a few common pitfalls unrelated to content that students encounter on standardized tests. It might be better for you to take one test over the other based on your experience with these issues. You’re an anxious tester If you tend to get really nervous on test day, you are probably better off with the ACT.The ACT has much more predictable structure and content than the SAT, so you can prepare more confidently. On the reading section of the ACT, for example, there are always four passages in the same sequence of genres: Prose Fiction/Literary Narrative, Social Science, Humanities, and Natural Science.On the SAT, the structure is not as reliable. We know the topics that appear and the types of passages and questions, but not their order on the test. On the ACT, once the section for a subject is over, that’s it - you’re done with it for the whole test.This is in contrast to the SAT, which has ten sections, six of which are ordered randomly.The SAT also has an experimental section on every test that won’t count towards your scores and sometimes contains unfamiliar material, which can throw you off. You won’t have to worry about this on the ACT. You get tripped up by confusing wording It’s a better idea to take the ACT if this is a problem for you. The SAT has weird question wording that could trick you if you often get confused by that type of thing.The ACT is very straightforward in its question wording, so you usually have a clear sense of what the questions are asking right away rather than having to think about it too much first. For example, a reading question on the ACT might ask â€Å"What was Sam trying to accomplish by talking to her sister?†A reading question on the SAT might ask something more like â€Å"If the author of passage 1 reads lines 16-24 of passage 2, which of the following is she least likely to offer as a response?†You have to jump through a couple more hoops of â€Å"this, not that† logic before you can answer the question. You tend to run out of time If you have time problems, it’s a better idea to take the SAT.Why? You get more time per question, and it’s broken up into ten short sections rather than four long ones.This means that if you have a time problem on one section, it will not necessarily tank your scores. You will have a couple other sections to make up for it (3 math, 3 critical reading, 2 writing). On the ACT, each subject is just one long section, so if you get stuck on a difficult question and end up messing up your timing for a whole section, it’s going to have a much bigger impact on your scores. Anecdotal evidence from students also points to more problems with time pressure on the ACT than the SAT. But what if I’m an anxious tester AND I tend to run out of time, which test should I take? If you have both of these problems, you should plan on doing a lot more prep before your next test.The decision is probably going to rest on where your strengths lie as far as content, which I’ll get to in the next section. Time: The one true enemy of us all. Subject Strengths Let's move on to actual test content. I'll go through the different subject areas tested on the SAT and ACT and which test is the better one to take based on whether you excel or struggle in these subjects. Math Case 1: I consider numbers to be my only real friends If you have great math skills, the test where you stand to gain the biggest advantage is the ACT.The ACT tests more advanced math concepts than the SAT, and no formulas are provided for you (except on some individual questions).It also requires math problem-solving speed and stamina - you will need to solve 60 questions in a row with only a minute for each question.The ACT asks math questions in a more straightforward way than the SAT, so if your math skills are good but your reading comprehension skills are less so, the ACT is the test you want to take. Case 2: Math fills me with wrath You might be better off with the SAT if math is not your strong suit.The questions are more broken up (three sections, two 25 minute and one 20 minute), so if you mess up or run out of time on one math section you won’t necessarily ruin your score. You will have more time per question (67 seconds rather than 60), and the math concepts tested are not as advanced.The SAT also gives you formulasto work with at the start of the math sections. Reading Case 1: I’m a word nerd If you enjoy reading, it’s likely that you already have a strong base of vocabulary and can read passages fairly quickly.If you know a lot of advanced vocabulary words, you’re better off taking the SAT.Sentence completion and vocabulary in context questions make up a significant portion of the critical reading section, and a prodigious vocabulary will give you a leg up.There are also a lot of confusingly worded questions on the SAT in general. You’ll have a much easier time surmounting that obstacle compared to students who aren’t as good at reading.On the ACT, knowing advanced vocabulary won’t help your score much if at all.You might consider taking the ACT if you’re a fast reader and are very good at reading comprehension, not just vocabulary.These skills will help you on the Reading AND Science sections. Case 2: I’m a Spark Notes type of guy/gal This is tough, because reading skills are very important on both tests.I’d say if you are not as fond of reading you should take the ACT.Though there is a lot of reading involved and a lot of time pressure, the questions tend to be more straightforward and less confusing than those on the SAT.You also don’t need to know advanced vocabulary to do well.Practice reading quickly and understanding passages before the test - this will be extremely important on Reading and Science. My brain will just absorb the words. That's how reading works, right? Grammar Case 1: I'm the grammar police, and you're ALL UNDER ARREST If you're good at grammar, you could really take either test, but you'll probably have the biggest advantage on the SAT. The multiple choice on the SAT Writing section is similar to the ACT English section, but it is less passage-based. Most of it is identifying errors in sentences and improving sentences out of context.On the ACT English section, questions are always asked alongside a corresponding passage, so you have more context to work with for your answers. Case 2: I don't care 'bout no stupid grammar The SAT Writing section and the ACT English section will both be tough for you if you’re not so great at grammar, so study the grammar rules beforehand! The ACT English section might be slightly easier because, as mentioned above, it asks its questions in the context of long passages. But it also has a lot more questions (75 vs. 49 on the SAT), so it's a trade-off. Essay Writing Case 1: I’m the next Hemingway If you're a great writer, you should take the SAT.On the SAT you will be writing an essay no matter what, and you only get 25 minutes to do it.The essay also accounts for about a third of your Writing subscore.Essay prompts on the SAT are varied and require you to formulate opinions and examples to support them very quickly, which is difficult if you don't already have strong writing skills. Case 2: I don’t have the write stuff If you’re not as into writing, the ACT is a better choice.You don’t even have to write an essay, and if you do take it with Writing the essay won’t impact your composite score.You also get 30 minutes for the essay rather than 25, and prompts tend to be more straightforward.ACT essay prompts usually ask about issues related to high school, so they make it easier for you to figure out your opinion on the question from personal experience. Science Case 1: I am the lovechild of Bill Nye and his very attractive microscope (don’t ask me about logistics) Take the ACT!Although the science section doesn’t actually require much scientific knowledge beyond basic concepts you learned in elementary school, knowing a lot of science can help you get a better grasp on the experiments and data presented on the test.You’ll have a much easier (and faster) time understanding what’s going on and answering the questions if you are familiar with the science involved. Case 2: I break out in hives when I see a test tube. If you don’t like science, take the SAT.You should know that you CAN still do well on the science section of the ACT without knowing much science at all.However, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the data presented and unfamiliar background information even if the questions themselves are not that hard.If you think seeing chemical equations or physics on one of these standardized tests will give you a heart attack, go with the SAT so you won’t have to worry about it. Aughhhh I said no science! You KNOW I'm allergic! Summary and Follow Up In deciding which test to take, you should consider both your testing style and your subject strengths. Here's a summary of the situations listed above and my corresponding test recommendations: Test anxiety? ACTEasily confused by questions? ACTTime problems? SATGreat at math? ACTGreat at reading? SATGreat at grammar? SATGreat at writing? SATGreat at science? ACT Additionally, If you have a strong imbalance in your abilities in different subjects, you might be better off with the ACT.This is because your individual scores on each section are not nearly as important to colleges are they are on the SAT. On the ACT, your composite score is pretty much the only thing that matters. You also won’t have to deal with switching unpredictably between subjects you know well and subjects you struggle with during the test. If you're still not entirely sure which test is best for you or which strengths and weaknesses you have, you should take an ACT practice test and an SAT practice test(each with the official time constraints so you'll know if running out of time is a problem!). Look up average standardized test scores for colleges you would like to attend to figure out your target score for both the ACT and the SAT. Then, score your practice tests and see where you end up. Is one test score significantly closer to your target score than the other? If so, that's the test you want to take. If the scores are similar, you may need to decide based on which test format makes you feel more comfortable. On test day, you'll be under a lot more pressure! What's Next? If you're still looking for more details on how the SAT and the ACT compare to each other, check out this article. Trying to decide when to take the SAT or ACT? Read this guide to find the best test date for you! For more advice on how to combat your weaknesses on either test, take a look at our advice on how to review your mistakeson the SAT or ACT and how to improve your overall scores on both tests. Want to improve your SAT score by 240 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Strategies for Parent Training in Families of Children with Autism Research Paper

Strategies for Parent Training in Families of Children with Autism - Research Paper Example As parents start the journey into the autism world, they are always faced with the challenge of understanding why their children are not able to develop normally. They start asking myriad questions that they cannot easily find answers to. When they are not able to cope with the stress, it becomes very difficult for them to help and raise their children normally. Researchers have shown great interest in the role of parental involvement in managing the condition. The main question in such studies has been on the best strategies to carry out parent training to facilitate behavior change and impact on the social skills of both the parents and the children with autism. Although previous studies have shown that parental training improves and influences outcomes in both the children and parent, there is still the need to explore how different strategies impact on the behavior of the parents and children.AutismRogers (2011) defines autism to be a childhood disordered that affects the normal development of the child. The condition has also been defined as a developmental disease that affects the verbal and non-verbal ability of children while also impacting on their social interaction capability and educational performance. It appears during the first three years of an individual’s life. Autism has several symptoms whose severity varies from individual to individual. In children who are aged between one and three years, one of the autistic behaviors is usually the lack of social skills and play development.

Internal Auditing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Internal Auditing - Essay Example Beyond the intent to commit a fraud intentionally to mislead shareholders and investors, accountants and top executives of a company can sometimes commit unintentional mistakes through a wrong interpretation of an accounting rule. This is why it is terribly important that auditors, accountants, chief executive officers and chief finance officers set the tone for an ethical working environment from start. There are many ways to commit wrongdoing in the accounting profession and the line between what is perfectly legal and an action that borders on the illegal is a very thin one. It is easy to cross over to the illegal side. In relation to this paper, accounting frauds are committed mostly by top executives of a company since they have access to the records and have a good view of how to manipulate the figures to suit their objectives to the detriment of stockholders. In other words, those in positions of trust and least suspected are the ones who commit fraud and it takes an average of two years before a crime is uncovered, sometimes accidentally only. An alarming 9% only of all frauds are discovered by external auditors (who are very good in forensic auditing), 20% discovered by accident and 46% uncovered due to tips given by the whistle blowers. The remainder of accounting frauds goes undetected, perhaps forever. Accountants are required by their professional associations to undertake continuing professional education (CPE) units to retain and renew their licenses. One of the subjects in CPE is a module on accounting ethics. The two most common problematic situations which accountants and auditors frequently encounter during the course of their work are conflict of interest and confidentiality of privileged information. This was what Cynthia Cooper had been dealing with since she was both a certified public accountant (CPA) and the certified internal auditor (CIA) of WorldCom. Her

Friday, October 18, 2019

Government and Non-governmental Organizations Essay

Government and Non-governmental Organizations - Essay Example Many a times the international community does not even protest against such atrocities and it is only after the levels of atrocities exceed all levels of human degradation that corrective measures are to some extent enforced. Non-governmental organizations meanwhile are allowed to act only when the governments where such atrocities happen allow them to operate effectively in a non-biased manner. However, non-governmental organizations fortunately are the first ones to report, condemn and to request world community to intervene to stop the wrong doings. In their limited ways they do try to help as much as they can, but most of the times their efforts cover only a small percentage of the assistance that is overall required. In these essay, while we shall be comparing and contrasting the roles of governments and non-governmental organizations we shall without intention also be critical of these two important functionary bodies. In this context, we shall be referring to the major genocidal events in our last century in each of which people in their tens of thousands were the victims of mass killings. These are the Holocaust, the Khmer Rouge genocide in Cambodia, the genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the freely allowed blood baths in Rwanda. When we compare some of these atrocities, the main similarities we observe is they happened because of the state government policies of these countries which encouraged ethnic cleansing as a method of subduing the minorities or completely wipe them out from as a people. While we shall not touch upon the subject of political killings that occurred in Argentine, Chile, Guatemala and continues to happen in Indonesia, Zimbabwe, Palestine and other countries, the role s of governments and non-governmental organizations here too are significantly important if they are freely and fairly implemented. The Holocaust happened because Germany as a state with a parliamentary type of democracy under Hitler was allowed to degenerate into a totalitarian Nazi state that controlled every segment of the German society. Its public policies developed because the German population remained silent towards the racial and genocidal policies towards the Jews and other minority groups because of Hitler's philosophical views that were elaborated in his Mein Kampf that led to the Nazi government's policy of murder and extermination. Policies that were on similar extreme lines in Cambodia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Rwanda were allowed and the international governments intervened only when their national interests involved. While the Holocaust was enforced by a economically and militarily very strong and dominating Germany during World War II, the other genocides could have been prevented had international gov

Ratio Analysis Math Problem Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ratio Analysis - Math Problem Example Ratio analysis further simplifies the information and allows for a longitudinal and cross sectional analysis of an organization’s performance. I, in this paper, perform ratio analysis of IBM financial statements for the accounting period ending in the years 2010, 2011, and 2012, and discuss the computed ratios. Accounting ratios Ratio analysis compares different income statement and balance sheet items to determine liquidity, advantage, activity, profitability, and growth potentials. The following is a summary of applied formulae for computing different ratios. ... The following table summarizes major ratios for the company over the three accounting periods based on the above formulae. Table 1: Computed ratios for IBM for the years ended 2010, 2011, and 2012 Ratio 2010 2011 2012 Current ratio 1.18623342 1.2090307 1.13313467 Quick ratio 0.52857354 1.02281414 0.98846991 Debt to total assets ratio 0.79574622 0.82620048 0.84075562 Debt to equity ratio 3.91733923 4.77688946 5.31436903 Long term debt to equity ratio 0.94793023 1.13501837 1.27720042 Times interest earned 52.5951087 50.0997567 46.7167756 Inventory turnover 21.982449 22.5220151 22.2077018 Fixed assets turnover 1.52856006 1.52461644 1.49766409 Total assets turnover 0.88028417 0.85774652 0.87664097 Gross profit margin 46.07% 46.89% 48.13% Operating profit margin 18.17% 18.97% 19.56% Net profit margin 14.85% 14.83% 15.89 Return on assets 17.06% 17.69% 17.99% Return on share holder’s equity 83.98% 102.25% 113.70% (Data source: IBM annual reports for the years 2010 and 2011) Discussio n The company enjoys high liquidity ratios and this indicates its ability to meet its short-term objectives. Its current ratios are good and indicate stability as they fluctuate above one over the three years. Even though the acid-test ratio was low in the year 2010, it improved in 2011 and the slight decrease in 2012 does not induce much threat. IBM however has significantly high ‘leverage’ ratios and this indicates its vulnerability to risks of credit capital. Even though the debt to total equity ratio is bellow 1, its increasing trend over the three years indicate that it will soon reach and even surpass one, a factors that will further expose the organization to sustainability risks. Long-term debt to equity ratio was fair in the year 2010 but also has an

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Pinnacle Airlines Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Pinnacle Airlines - Research Paper Example A brief history of Pinnacle Airlines would be useful. As mentioned earlier, it was founded in 1985, and was initially named Express Airways I. By the next year, the airline had increased its fleet to 27 Saab turboprops, and had signed a partnership with Northwest Airlines and thus carrying its passengers too (Pinnacle Airlines Corp, n.d). By 1997, Northwest Airlines purchased Express Airways I, and the new CEO set about to retrain Express Airways I’s employees (Pinnacle Airlines Corp, n.d). Throughout this period, Express Airways I had been using turboprops, and only in 2000 did it shift to using small jets when it purchased a Canadair Regional Jet (Pinnacle Airlines Corp, n.d). These CRJs are beneficial in the sense that they are smaller in size than the Saab turboprops that Express Airway I was using, and offered satisfactory â€Å"jet speed, economy and comfort,† and could â€Å"serve cities that cant support the big jets,† (Warren, 1995). In 2002, Express Air ways I changed its named to Pinnacle Airlines, and embarked on a project to change everything about the airline’s public image, culture and so on (Pinnacle Airlines Corp, n.d). By 2004, Pinnacle Airlines was making revenues of more than $630 million, had more than a thousand pilots, and a hundred CRJs; it was also recognized as one of fastest growing regional airline in the US (Pinnacle Airlines Corp, n.d). Additionally, in 2003, Pinnacle Airlines was â€Å"incorporated as a Delaware corporation,† and by 2010 it came to control Mesaba, Pinnacle and Colgan airlines (Pinnacle Airlines Corp 10k, 2010). Pinnacle also signed capacity purchase agreements with Delta, and provided flights to Delta’s main airports in New York City, Atlanta and so on, and by 2010 it was using 126 CRJs to be used as â€Å"connection carriers,† to numerous states in the US as well as cities in Mexico and Canada (Pinnacle Airlines